Methods for Fintech and Artificial Intelligence in Finance (Erasmus+ BIP)

Erasmus+ BIP "Methods for Fintech and Artificial Intelligence in Finance"

An Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Programme (BIP) is short-term intensive study program that combines in-person and online components. The aim of this BIP titled "Methods for Fintech and Artificial Intelligence in Finance." is to create an interdisciplinary course on advanced topics in the field of statistics and probability, with applications in the Fintech sector and Artificial Intelligence on key topics included in the UN SDGs. The programme will enable participants to understand and develop analyses on financial instruments using appropriate techniques. Starting from the theoretical analysis of the technical-conceptual determinants and the regulatory environment of AI, models will be presented and the results of field tests of the experience gained in the adoption of models of the kind will be presented. The programme aims to provide analytical skills to create, manage and interrogate large datasets applicable to the financial sector and to build critical awareness of current issues in the Fintech landscape. A set of programming tools will facilitate the implementation of models and enable participants to analyse decision-making processes.

Seven University spread across Europe are partnering in the programme, namely: University of Naples Federico II, Italy; University of Twente, Netherlands; WU Vienna University, Austria; Babes-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca, Romania; University of Economics, Bratislava; Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece; and Technische Universitdt Dortmund, Germany. The face to face sessions will take place at the Department of Political Science, University of Naples Federico II. Rita Cappariello, Bank of Italy, will hold a seminar titled Sustainable Finance: insights and data for an assessment during the final face to face session.

Role of the University of Twente


Leading researchers of the University of Twente in the field of AI & Fintech will share their knowledge in this BIP via a series of lectures, cutting-edge research papers and hands-on tutorials.


Dr. Jörg Osterrieder of the faculty BMS is the local programme coordinator for the University of Twente. Additionally, supporting the programme are Dr. Marcos Machado, Dr. Wouter van Heeswijk and Dr. Frédérik Bernard.

More Information

In-presence activities will take place during 4-10 September 2024 at the Department of Political Science, UNINA. A full description of the course can be found at the link All the activities will be hold exclusively in English, thus knowledge of English language (B2) is required. The students that will successfully complete the programme (virtual and physical mobility — both mandatory — and final paper) will receive 3 ECTS.